“Manipulation Under The Guise Of Caring”: People Share 39 Hidden Yet Common Signs Of Mistreatment

Why is it that the people we love the most are also the people who seem to cause us the most pain? In healthy relationships, our romantic partners, best friends and family members can make us feel safer and warmer than anyone else on Earth. But unfortunately, our loved ones are also capable of exhibiting toxic behaviors that can be detrimental to our wellbeing.

Reddit users have recently been calling out common actions and traits that many people don’t realize can be abusive, so we’ve gathered some of their thoughts below. We hope you can’t relate to experiencing these behaviors, pandas, but if you can, know that you’re not alone. And be sure to upvote the replies that you think everyone needs to hear.


Reactive abuse. Basically, abusers will poke and prod their victim so much until their victim has an explosive reaction. The abuser will then use this reaction as justification for their abuse or to further manipulate and gaslight the victim.

Image credits: HuggyMummy


Invalidating your feelings by making it about them and how you holding them accountable is upsetting them.

Image credits: SunflowerGirl728


Keeping you isolated. My ex tried convincing me that my parents and friends didn’t love me.

Image credits: OddReputation3765


Weaponized incompetence

Image credits: PartyyLemons


Mothers who treat their sons like surrogate boyfriends/husbands. If their sons DARE to have a girlfriend or get married, these women act like they’re being cheated on.

Image credits: Drink-my-koolaid


Yelling. Years of walking on eggshells will damage a person’s nervous system.

Image credits: OhSoSoftly444


Messing with someone’s sleep.

Image credits: catlike_gag_reflex


Neglect – neglect IS abuse

Image credits: ZenythhtyneZ


When you ask them to not joke about X, and they say something like, “Well, I guess I won’t speak at all anymore.”

They’re making it so difficult to set a boundary that you’ll want to give up.

Image credits: villettegirl


Telling a child how they should feel.

“You should be grateful.”

“You should be happy.”

“You should be sorry.”

It shows the child just how little the parent actually cares about their feelings. The child is just a doll to them that they think they can control.

I remember my cat’s leg and tail was broken and my dad told me “You should be happy because I didn’t shoot her.” I will never forgive him for that

Image credits: PocketGoblix


Parentification. I recently learned in therapy that it wasn’t normal that I was cooking & changing my siblings diapers when I was 8.

Image credits: ThunderTaker1992


trying to “test” people’s food allergies because they don’t believe them or trying to sneak a food someone doesn’t like into a dish to prove them wrong.

Image credits: falsepossum


It doesn’t have to be violence, it’s the implication that something bad will happen if you don’t comply. Agreeing to pay for your kids college and pulling the rug out from under them over something petty like a political disagreement is abuse.

I left home to go to college. I was going to work and save up a decent amount of money and wait a year but I was told to not worry about it. I went and within a few months we had a disagreement and they stopped helping at all. I’m halfway through a semester at that point and don’t have a job or rent. The landlord was cool and gave me time to catch up.

I racked up a ton of credit card debt during this time. My parents were not hurting for money. I never would have done it if my dad didn’t tell me not to worry about it.

Image credits: CaptainAwesom88


Using personal things someone has told you against them when you are angry. My husband does this and tries to pretend he’s being “constructive”, rather than just cruel. And I’m working on getting my s**t together to get the f**k out because I’m tired of being painted as the bad guy when I get upset.

Image credits: dixiequick


Constantly reminding someone of their shortcomings/ past mistakes

Image credits: Fancy__Mushroom__


Sibling rivalry that goes unchecked by parents.

Man, I can’t believe how common/ignored sibling abuse is. Neglectful parents plus unruly children is a recipe for disaster.

Image credits: One-Sandwich5588


Not teaching your kids basic life skills to keep them dependent


Toxic spirituality. I think a lot of mental health problems hide behind spirituality.

Like, maybe that person isn’t your soul mate/twin flame, you just need to deal with some Internal issues buddy.

Image credits: Ok_Thanks_3868


Not letting people express negative emotions because it’s ‘negativity.’

Image credits: swooooot


Driving recklessly with you in the car

Image credits: Littletexasginger


Manipulation under the guise of caring for what happens to you

Image credits: First_Catch_3919


Taking away someones personal belongings, or selling them without permission. My mom would go through my room and trash or sell everything while I was at school. She’s sold or thrown away my deceased dad’s stuff, toys, clothes, pets, etc… and act like I shouldn’t be upset. My sister does this as well.


Continuing certain behavior after the person you are affecting has (repeatedly) asked you to stop.

*But-I’m-Not-Touching-You*-ism is a short route to abusive behavior.

Image credits: Mullet_Police


Showing favoritism – family related. Not by directly saying “I prefer x over y” but by the little comments, actions/inactions. It can really mess with someone’s self esteem, confidence, and overall thoughts of self and self worth.

Image credits: SliverKai


Gatekeeping hygiene and not teaching your child about normal hygiene and personal care. I didn’t even realize it was a common thing with narcissistic parents until recently.

Image credits: HealthyInPublic


Comparing one child to another,cousin or friends. Why can’t you be more like them. It’s so toxic.


My favorite type that I seem to gravitate toward.

Telling people their emotional response is invalid or they shouldn’t feel a certain way.

By all the pantheons, I always find people that love pushing that into my brain, from parents to dating.

Your emotions are yours. You have them for a reason.

That doesn’t give you the right to use them to hurt others, but you’re allowed to feel.

I wish younger me understood that.


Harnessing therapy speak to absolve oneself of accountability

Image credits: Comfortable-Ear-9186


Uploading your childrens videos to youtube for fame.

Im looking at you, Pinnay and Brazillian mothers.

Theres wayyyy too many videos of girls doing trendy pool stuff in YT that get scavenged by weird men.

Image credits: Spiceinvader1234


Financial abuse is abuse


Commanding both parties’ finances. Not just being a breadwinner, but also shaming the other party for making purchases and/ or demanding their paycheck.

Image credits: SpacecadetSpe


Silent treatment,
Doing/ paying something and waiting for something to return, make a person feel guilty about it,
Don’t make a promise you can’t keep

Image credits: Logical-Option-182


Altruistic Narcissism. People that do their best to be extremely helpful to everyone around them, but it’s all a manipulative act. They don’t actually care about you or what you go through, they just want everyone to see them in a good light.


Educational Neglect at home.

Image credits: Mahaloth


Not allowing you to leave the room by blocking the door


Making people feel guilty for something a person can’t control. My dad did this constantly.


Stonewalling a partner.

Image credits: enjoycryptonow


toxic positivity and love bombing


Breaking things while angry with their partner/kid (punching a hole in the wall for example)

They may not be hitting you, but they want to.

Image credits: gorhxul

Source: boredpanda.com

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