Mom Of 4 Reveals 24 Things She Allows Her Kids To Do That Other Parents May Not Agree With

There are as many parenting styles as there are parents. And since all moms and dads want what’s best for their kids, the fact that they tend to be very opinionated about that shouldn’t come as a surprise.

The recent TikTok videos from a mother of four named Casara have created quite a stir on social media for her unorthodox approach to parenting. In a series of videos, Casara openly shared things she and her husband Juan allow their children do, from not forcing them go to college to allowing them to swear.

“We have a very open & honest relationship with our kids,” Casara claims, so let’s find out more about her parenting style, and be sure to share what you think in the comments!

Mom of four Casara took it to TikTok to share the things she allows her kids to do

@casaranjuan We have a very open & honest relationship with our kids #ReTokforNature #MessFreeHero #parents #parenting #parentsoftiktok #parentingtips #parentsbelike #moms #dads #momsoftiktok #dadsoftiktok #momlife #momtok #parenttok #open #honest #parentinghacks ♬ original sound – CasaraNJuan


My child does not have to give you a kiss, does not have to hug you, does not have to hang around you, does not have to do anything with you if they choose not to.

Image credits: casaranjuan

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


College. We will not force our kids to go to college if they don’t want to. Let’s face it, nobody really knows exactly what they wanna do, ever.

Image credits: casaranjuan

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


Our kids are allowed to swear. They know when they can swear, how they can swear, who they can swear around. They’re allowed to swear. If you think that the worst thing your child can do is swear, then you have another thing coming. I said what I said.

Image credits: casaranjuan

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


If your kid hits my kid, my kid will knock your kid out and I will high five them.

Image credits: casaranjuan

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


My kids don’t have a curfew. They respect that they have to be home at a reasonable time, and most of the time they’re always at home anyways.

Image credits: casaranjuan

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


Religion. My first two kids I baptized, but my last two kids I did not baptize. I will allow them to choose if they wanna follow a religion, if they wanna believe in God, if they don’t wanna believe in God. Whatever they feel is best for them.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


Tattoos and piercings. Our kids are allowed to get piercings and they’re allowed to get tattooed, with one exception to the tattoo. They have to wait till they’re at least 16 and they have to have pondered on it, really thought about what they wanted, a good place for it to be at, and as long as the shop allows it at that age. Piercings, I feel like it’s a way they express themselves. I don’t see nothing wrong with piercings.

Image credits: casaranjuan

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


If my kid needs a mental health day from school, whatever it is, I’m gonna let them take it. They don’t have to be sick. We don’t have to have something to do. We don’t have to have any of that. For my kid to stay home, all they have to do is say: “Mom, I need a day to myself. I need a mental health day.”

Image credits: casaranjuan

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


If my kid, teenager, is out and they’re drinking with friends, and they call me, and they say: “Hey mom, I need you to come get me,” I’m gonna get up and I’m gonna go get them. We will not talk about it until the next day. Let’s face it, peer pressure is real, and people can’t learn unless they make mistakes or do something they’re not supposed to do.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


We teach our kids at a young age what sex is, what their parts are, what drugs are, everything. We teach them everything at a very young age. That way they know what the consequences are. They know what the actions are, they know what the positivity to everything is, and they don’t ever have to be ashamed of who they are.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


Screen time, TV time. They’re allowed to be on it for as long as they want, watch what they want, do what they want on their screen time.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


My kids are allowed to have social media when they’re young. Yes, we will monitor it, but once they hit about 11-12, we will stop monitoring it. Because my kids know when to come to us if they need to tell us something or anything.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


My kids can love/be with whoever they want. Color, race, gender, nationality. It does not matter. They can love and be with whoever they want, as long as they are treating each other right. That goes for my child treating them right and them treating my child right.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


My son is 18 and I have taught him that if he wants to cry, then let them tears fall. It is okay to cry and let them tears fall. This misconception of telling men that they need to man up or that they’re not a man because they’re crying is [nonsense].

That is the reason why a lot of men are the way they are as far as not being open and being in touch with their feelings, and not all but some men.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


My kids don’t have a bedtime. They do know that when school starts, they have to be in their room at a certain time and they can watch TV and do whatever they need to do to allow them to fall asleep.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


My kids get a cell phone the moment they start school. And this is for safety reasons as well, and their location will be on it at all times because nowadays you cannot be too careful.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


Our kids are allowed to wear what they want. It’s their body, their style, their choice, whatever they wanna wear, they can wear.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


Makeup. I never used to allow my daughters to wear makeup because I wanted them to see their beauty for what it really was. Being their natural self. But now I realize, no, I’m gonna allow them to try makeup if they wanna try it.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


If my kids see anybody being bullied they’re to step in and help. It is not okay for any kid to put down another kid ever. I said what I said.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


I will allow my daughters to wear tampons. And I will teach them the proper way to wear tampons. I’m gonna tell you why. When I started my period, nobody had taught me how to wear tampons, and I was told I was not allowed to wear them, but I did because I wanted to be in my swim class. You know what happened? It got stuck. So I had to go to the emergency room and be embarrassed and have them take it out because I left the cardboard on.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


Our kids are to treat everybody equally while at the same time, know that everybody is not treated equally. If you understand what that means. We tell them to see color and not to ever say, “I don’t see color”, because you do, you treat everybody the same, the same way you would treat a homeless person staying on the corner of the street is the same way you would treat the president of the US.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


My kids are allowed to have an imagination. That means if they believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or whoever the groundhog, they’re allowed to believe in it. We don’t tell ’em it’s real or fake because kids are supposed to have an imagination.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


People of the opposite gender staying the night. We allow it. Yes we do. And I’m gonna tell you why. Because there are some kids out there that don’t have homes to go to or their parents kicked them out, or stuff in that instance.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


My kids will be allowed to live in my house bill-free after they turn 18 and whenever they’re ready to move out, they can go after the age of 18. However, I will not make them move out.

Casara’s videos sparked a heated discussion among parents online


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