Of Spooks, Proofs, and Truths: Reflections on the Mumler Spirit Photograph Case

Louis Kaplan, Chair, Department of Visual Studies, and Professor of History and Theory of Photography and New Media at the University of Toronto, outlines the Mumler Spirit Photograph Case. William H. Mumler, a spirit photographer, claimed that he could photograph subjects with the spirits of their deceased relatives and friends. Mumler was eventually tried for fraud, resulting in a heavily debated trial. One of his more notable subjects included Mary Todd Lincoln, who was photographed with the spirit of her deceased husband, Abraham Lincoln. This lecture is presented as part of the Truth, Lies, and Photographs symposium in conjunction with the exhibition Faking It: Manipulated Photography before Photoshop.

The exhibition is made possible by Adobe.
This program is made possible by Joyce Frank Menschel.

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