Out With The Old: 50 Things That Need To Be Retired In 2024

Every day, some annoyance begs the question, “How is this still a thing?” From superfluous charges attached to normal transactions to absolutely predatory social media stars, there is a long list of norms that are way beyond their expiration date. So the new year is a good time to sit down and take stock. 

Someone asked the internet “What should die in 2024?” and folks shared all the things that need to remain in the past. So get comfortable as you read through, upvote your favorite examples, and share what you hope is going to finally die out this year in the comments section below. 

Listen beautiful relax classics on our Youtube channel.


Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, being a f*****g subscription.

Image credits: 3rdFloorFolklore


Pop up ads that don’t permit you to “x” out for like ten seconds. I’ve left many sites for that reason.

Image credits: Lulinda726


The practice of businesses laying off thousands of employees because the company is “needing to make difficult choices” and “cutting the fat” while giving CEOs millions in bonuses.



Image credits: AltruisticPops


Having to put in payment info for a “Free Trial” so it’ll just auto-renew and start charging you once your free trial is over.

Image credits: OrdinaryInformation


Spinning the iPad around asking for a tip when all you did was take/pull up my order

Image credits: umbusi



Image credits: neluxa


Family vloggers

Image credits: EarthAcceptable8123


auto-playing videos on websites

Image credits: Dorie_Berger


Cancer. F**k you, cancer.

Listen beautiful relax classics on our Youtube channel.

Image credits: TheGreatGamer1389


Old politicians. Let’s start fresh. Pretty sure they’re past their expiration date anyways.

Image credits: sarilysims


Prank YouTube channels that are clearly meant to embarrass or harass people just trying to go about their day


Telling me your life story when I’m only there for the recipe.
Everything becoming a subscription
Everyone begging for a tip
Lastly: HOAs

Image credits: NerdInLurkingArmor


Andrew Tate


Tipping in America

Image credits: Captainorbeez


Having to constantly tell websites you’re OK with cookies

Image credits: hardyflashier


Obsolescence being built into things, electronics especially.

Rent being so damn high.

Groceries being so damn expensive.

Having too much month left at the end of my money.

Image credits: TheBeardsley1


Private companies investing in single family housing.

Image credits: beartran


The teeny tiny X in the corner of ads. Every other mm takes you to the purchase page.


High Cost of Healthcare

Image credits: RollItMyWay



Image credits: distractionsgalore


Medical bankruptcy or being unable to access lifesaving care because you aren’t rich enough or are in the wrong country/province/part of the world.


YouTube ads being 2 days long

Image credits: Lanzo2


The idea that anything can be labeled “hate speech” simply because it “offends” someone.


Predatory Prank videos

Image credits: Tjalfe


People “self-diagnosing” themselves as “autistic” or “neurodivergent.” Just because you’re quirky and have poor social skills Claiming to advocate for other “autistics” while denying the severity of symptoms of those with level 3 autism who don’t have the ability to create a TikTok to advocate for themselves..


Murder and hate and racism


Fentanyl. I had an 18 year old niece who died from taking a pill she thought was a painkiller, but it was fentanyl and she was gone in 20 minutes. Her “friends” did nothing to help her. Nobody was charged for her death even though they knew who the drug dealer was.

Talk to your kids about fentanyl! No family should have to go through this nightmare.


Unskipable Ads.


Making movies/shows that check boxes for a message rather than writing a good story


Citizens United and pay to play politcians


Cancel culture

Image credits: EggOrnery115


Having to pay a convenience fee to pay rent

Image credits: HeWhomLaughsLast


ALS. F**k you ALS, you cruel disease

Image credits: 3rdItemOnList



Image credits: amyaurora


Unfinished games being released at full price.

Image credits: rhaegar21


Inflation and high housing costs. A nice dual death.


Ads everywhere, paying subscriptions for news services Edit: adding subscription services for things you actually own

allisongivler replied:
“I can’t even look at a recipe without 50 ads and a video popping up.

Image credits: kiingof15


Reaction videos.


The insane amount of youtube ads

Image credits: vengiegoesvroom


Convenience fees


Bed bugs

Image credits: stagqueen5000


COVID-19 and its variants


Housing crisis

Image credits: DimesyEvans92


Federal prohibition of cannabis


The scam of inflation.


Booking fees for live shows

Image credits: accidenta1genocide


Broccoli hairstyle


Mosquitoes! Seriously, how have we not hunted those things into extinction yet?!

I know I know, some asshat will comment they are a vital part of the food chain and serve a purpose.

I’m talking more specifically about the species that bites humans. I have no problem with the other ones!


Cyber Panhandling
Source: boredpanda.com

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