People Are Sharing The Worst “Crimes Against Food” They Can Think Of, Here Are The 37 Best Answers

Food is, pun very much intended, the ultimate matter of taste. Everyone has their favorites, their restrictions and those few dishes that end up being irresistible. But by the same token, some combinations or techniques are so baffling, folks had to share them online. 

Someone asked “What is considered a crime against food?” and people shared the culinary “delights” they think should never have seen the light of day. From poor taste to truly abominable recipes, get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote the worst examples and be sure to share your own thoughts in the comments section below. 


I will defend this one until my dying breath.

Candy corn DOES NOT… belong on pizza.

Image credits: Sharpnelboy


Putting gold flakes or wrapping food in gold. It adds no extra flavor or texture. It’s just there for show.

Image credits: anon


One day I saw one of my coworkers open an Oreo, scrape the cream into the freaking garbage, and eat only the cookies. Apparently it’s ‘too sweet’ for her. I almost called 911. A part of me died inside that day, knowing such behavior exists.

Image credits: ForeignPacksMoarLoot


Remember when the British colonized the entire world for spices and then created their breakfast delicacy…. beans on toast? Sincerely, an Indian.

Image credits: Puzzleheaded_Pea_137


Overcooked, chewy seafood. What a waste of expensive ingredients.

Image credits: Fear_The_Rabbit


The gelatin everything trend from the 50s. Got some leftovers? Put it in jello! Fold in mayonnaise so it’s slightly opaque! Just open up whatever cans you have in the house – pineapple, corn, olives, chicken – and layer them all into a mold shaped like a fish! Is there fish in here? Who knows, who cares! God is dead and only aspic remains.

Image credits: Rennarjen


Using a donut as a hamburger bun. I’ve seen it. Good god, people.

Image credits: NaraFox257


I know quite a few people that enjoy iced coffee and lemonade together. Sounds like a crime against beverages to me.

Image credits: Friendly-Bottle-6109


I had a lady order salmon with a slice of american cheese on top. I had to ask twice what she wanted because it wasn’t computing.

Image credits: give-me-an-upvote


Using ketchup as a base for pizza or pasta sauce.

Image credits: Fistshapedlikeafish


My ex-wife used to boil ribs so they tasted mushy. Then, she’d get offended when I took over the rib-cooking responsibilities and made them in a smoker. No one should have to eat boiled ribs.

Image credits: Caffeine_and_Scotch


A friend of mine used to take two Pop Tarts and a chicken patty and make a sandwich out of them. True story.

Image credits: tork1234


Biting into a Kit Kat without separating the bars.

Image credits: ChunkyPillow


I used to live with a roommate, and every time a bottle of sauce was about 2/3 empty, he would fill it up with water and shake it before to ‘get his money’s worth.’ I thought it was absolutely disgusting.

Image credits: Daverotti


My sister eats green bell peppers filled with whipped cream. She’s been doing it since she was 7 years old, and I have insisted from the very beginning that it’s gross and wrong. I tried it recently just to say I have, and it’s just as gross as you might imagine — like you’re having salad and dessert at the same time.

Image credits: StrawberryR


I grew up with a mother who put butter and white sugar on rice. I made my rice the same way for a while because I learned by example, but now I realize it’s a totally bananas thing to do. My mom is one of those people who loves sweet things, and anything that isn’t already sweet can be improved by adding more sugar. Savory doesn’t exist in her house at all.

Image credits: Enginerdad


Microwaving ice cream…not to melt it slightly and make it easier to scoop, but rather to make full on ice cream bisque.

Image credits: Sam-Gunn


Overcooking fish, especially salmon.

I don’t order fish at restaurants because the majority of them cook it “tourist” – the way most people expect it – and it’s overcooked and dried. out.

Image credits: Triabolical_


Putting ranch or ketchup in soup.

Image credits: anon


My coworker eats a ton of ketchup with pizza. Even though it’s a tomato-based sauce, it’s still shocking to see that much ketchup eaten with pizza. We’re talking a full dip before every bite.

Image credits: Cyph3rXX7


I’m a waitress so I’ve seen it all, and I hardly ever judge. But this one time, I took an order that started out simple: three eggs, soft scramble. Add spinach and goat cheese. Add fresh strawberries. Scrambled. In the eggs. They turned this grey brown color…and you bet the customer ate every bite.

Image credits: Rhymeswithfinechina


My roommate puts applesauce on anything. Tacos, fish, spaghetti, steak, burgers, you name it, and he will put it into a bowl of applesauce. It’s horrifying.

Image credits: draxlaugh


In Buffalo, eating your wings with Ranch dressing is a offense that is punishable by exile to Cleveland.

Image credits: dhork


Automatically adding seasoning/salt/pepper to the dish before tasting it.

Image credits: RogueViator


Im gonna put my mom on blast with this one.

Whenever she makes chili mac or beef stew she adds some cheese (normal), whole Ritz crackers (still normal) and then a very large dollop of mayonnaise in it. She takes a cracker fills 1/4 of it with mayonnaise and then the rest is the chili mac or stew broth. I thought it was normal but I just didnt like the taste. I made chili mac for my husband after we got married and he thought I lost my mind when I asked him if he wanted mayonnaise on it.

Image credits: What_Did_You_Just_Do


I had a friend who would make really good sushi, but they put Altoids mints in it. Not a great taste.

Image credits: Fancy-Valuable-8998


Seasoning the food. It amazes me how many people cook without properly seasoning their food.

My wife, when we first started dating, was one of these people. The first time she cooked for me it was chicken breast and it was so bad. It looked like a pale slab sitting on a plate. She has gotten much better now but there are so many people who go through life just raw dogging their own taste buds.

Image credits: kakapoopoopeepeeshir


Carrying a pizza box vertically instead of flat.

Image credits: mountain_lilac0022


Not adding salt to water when making pasta.

Image credits: PenTestHer


Overcooked mushy rice.

Image credits: slip1byyou123


I watched a guy order a $190 Tomahawk Rib Eye, medium well (which is almost a crime there), and ask for a bottle of A1 steak sauce. He slathered this gorgeous steak in that heinous sauce. That’s a crime as far as I’m concerned. Even doused his asparagus in it.

Like why? There is a $30 sirloin on the menu. Order that if you want to ruin a steak. If you want a good pan sauce, a gremolata, or a chimichurri, there were literally a dozen on the menu. Don’t bastardize a gorgeous steak with Ketchup and Worcestershire Sauce mixed together. That’s an insult to the animal, and the farmer who raised it.

Image credits: madmanmx224


Miracle whip instead of mayo.

Image credits: Tokasmoka420


I made a very nice bolognese a couple of months ago. Red wine, pancetta, two kinds of meat, the works. I gave some to my friend to take home, bc sharing is caring. M**********r put it on a piece of leftover salmon.

Image credits: darthgandalf


Unseasoned chicken.

Image credits: Fiskehattvala


“Make wine easily” tutorials that are grape juice mixed with yeast.

Image credits: anon


Time temperature abuse or a contamination. Make what you like, just make it safely.

Image credits: joecheph


Well done steak.

Image credits: anon


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