The 10 Cringiest Phrases of Positivity According to Americans

We all need cheering up once in a while, especially when we feel absolutely awful. Sometimes, words don’t even need to be said, but simply having someone there for you is enough. We might have a few friends who would take us out to eat or bring us somewhere else as a change of pace, or do some fun activity that could help us take our minds off our circumstances. However, there are times when people try to give words of consolation, and instead of cheering us up, it ends up backfiring.

Preply, an online tutoring company, conducted a survey where they asked around 1,000 Americans what they thought about some popular positive phrases. And the consensus was that these 10 phrases are the cringiest and most annoying positive phrases. And it’s understandable why people would feel that way. Some people don’t want to be told to “choose joy” when obviously all they feel is sorrow, grief, loss, or anger. How can anybody choose joy in that kind of situation? Another phrase is just like it: happiness is a choice.

Anybody would be hard-pressed to find any comfort when being told such banal and inconsiderate words. Sometimes, I find it a lot easier to listen to words wherein you know people empathize or try to empathize with you like “that sucks” or “I hear you”. And sometimes, actions speak louder than words, a hug or a gentle back message can be more palatable for some people. For the rest of the positive phrases, Reader’s Digest lists them here.

(Image credit: Viktor Forgacs/Unsplash)

Source: neatorama

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