The Art of Menorahs: 5 Contemporary Designs to Celebrate Hanukkah

In any object, contemporary design is an example of modern-day art and craftsmanship that pays tribute to traditional features, while putting a 21st Century flare that the modern-day world favors. Traditionally, Menorahs would comprise a single stem with three branches on either side.

Traditionally speaking, a Hanukah Menorah has four branches on each side to symbolize the celebration of Hanukah, where one candle is lit for each day of the holiday using the light of the shamash, or the ninth candle at the center. But the modern-day is moving further away from traditional than ever before.

Now, there are many contemporary yet stunning designs for a Menorah that many people prefer. Below, we will look at five contemporary Menorah designs to celebrate Hanukah use.

Yair Emanuel – Designer

Yair Emanuel is a famous and accredited artist and designer who works from his studio shop in Jerusalem. He designs various Judaica ornaments and products, but his most acclaimed work is the Menorahs he has become the master at producing. His steady hand and exquisite eye for detail leave you looking for more. He combines traditional features with modern-day contemporary art and colors to create beautiful masterpieces perfect for any Hanukah table.

You can find a wide range of Hanukah menorahs at Judaica Web Store – many of which Yair Emanuel has designed himself. You’ll notice he uses splashes of vibrant colors to bring a modern-day feel to a traditional centerpiece – and it looks absolutely stunning.

Dorit Judaica – Designer

Dorit Judaica is a wonderful artist who has revolutionized the way to design a Menorah, focusing on modern-day inspiration yet also pulling inspiration from her Jerusalemite family, one that’s deeply rooted. Dorit lives and works in Israel, sculpting absolute masterpieces to sell to the rest of the world.

She has turned her hobby of arts and crafts into a full-time career and prides herself on tools from the world of graphics combined with traditional patterns and laser work she remembers from the environment she grew up in. Her traditional laser cutting skills combined with contemporary art and design produce fluid, floral, beautiful pieces of art that any Hannukah table will be blessed to have as the centerpiece.

Floral Styles

Moving onto styles, in particular, floral styles are something you will see a lot in the work of Dorita Judaica and many others. Floral styles are elegant, classic, and a design trend not limited to Hanukah and Menorahs. Floral styles pay tribute, somewhat, to the history of the Menorah. It is said that the first Menorah used floral design features for the candle cups. Yet, the contemporary designs we see today are far from the traditional Menorahs that would once grace a Hanukah table.

Modern floral styles captivate the fluidity and peaceful nature of Judaism – making them the perfect design to select.

Jerusalem Stone Styles

Jerusalem stone-styled Menorahs are perfect for Hanukah celebrations. They’re traditional, in a way, paying tribute to the classic stone walls that fill much of Jerusalem. Yet, they’re far from that in design. We’ve mentioned that a traditional Menorah will have a stem with branches on either side. Jerusalem stone styles typically feature a solid block of stone that still contains the nine candle cups, with one slightly raised to represent the Sabbath.

They’re bold, strong, and yet beautiful sculptures that bring elegance in the form of a soft color intricate details that have to be seen close up for the eye to see.

Blue and White Styles

Blue and white styles are a brilliant way of adding a splash of color that pays tribute to traditional Judaism. Blue and white are traditional colors because the Israeli flag and the color blue are often associated with Hanukah. However, the designs are anything but traditional. Blue and white-styled Menorahs offer a splash of color that’s fashionable yet still simplistic and beautiful. Plus, blue in Judaism is associated with the sky, faith, wisdom, and truth.

Hanukah is a beautiful day. A day to celebrate light and a day to celebrate with family. Yes, it’s still a day steeped in tradition, but it’s also a day filled with a modern-day flare that many Jewish households are embracing.

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