The Human Slot Machine at King's Day

Dudes playing fruit machine on king’s day
byu/Bridimum infunny

Pay your euro and pull the lever! This human slot machine was set up during the Koningsdag (King’s Day) celebrations last weekend in the Netherlands. The holiday is observed every April 27th for the king’s birthday. Slot machines are called fruit machines in parts of Europe.

It takes a while for the slots to start spinning as the guys say their arms are tired, but they still have their sense of humor. The beer certainly helps. You can tell that most of their patter is jokes, even if you don’t understand Dutch. The language has been described as the uncanny valley of languages, halfway between English and German, so both English and German speakers feel they should understand it, but don’t, and the effect is that these guys are very talented at speaking gibberish. Is it rigged? That’s beside the point, as even a losing player gets a piece of candy.  -via reddit

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Source: neatorama

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