“What Strange Events Have Gotten Swept Under The Rug Like They Didn’t Even Happen?” (88 Answers)

Human history is notorious for strange events. No wonder there are tons of conspiracy theories surfing around that aim to explain them in one way or the other. Some are totally bogus, others are somewhat debatable.

So when someone posed an illuminating question “What strange events have gotten swept under the rug like they didn’t even happen?” on the Ask Reddit community recently, it seemed to have hit a soft spot for many. People shared some of the most incredible events that got totally forgotten, or that everyone pretends they forgot, including an extreme personal data breach on a global scale, an audit that found $8M of taxpayers’ money missing, and unidentified snipers taking out cars starting last summer. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Below we collected some of the strangest events that people shared in the thread and it makes you wonder if someone has a solid explanation for each and every one of them.


Identifying all the rich men who participated in Jeffery Epstein’s island.

Image credits: Bsmyth84


The leader of Scientology’s wife vanished after an argument in 2005, nobody knows what happened to her.

Image credits: thedrakeequator


Hong Kong protests

Image credits: NotEnoughNoodle


In my hometown, the police chief was accused of having sexual relations with an underage girl. The father of the girl was one of the officers on the force. He was later found passed away near the property of the chief. People believe he was there to confront the chief about the relations. 9/11 happened, and the attention of the public got focused on the nation’s tragedy. HE IS NOW THE MAYOR.

Image credits: Tio_Paya559


The Phoenix lights. My whole immediate family and tons of people on the street we lived on saw the aircraft come overhead. We all stood there speechless and terrified until it passed then the whole block freaked out. Nobody will ever convince me it was flairs. We all saw the outline and structure of the craft clearly. It was so big and slow it was amazing it was staying in the air. My hair still stands on end even thinking about it right now.

Image credits: JeffCogs80


In my hometown, there was some sort of audit and it found that 8 million dollars of taxpayer money were missing. It’s a conspiracy now.

Image credits: betosanchito


Starting last summer there have been unidentified snipers taking out random cars on different parts of I-10 in New Orleans and nothing has come of it and nobody’s really talking about it. I mean, gang and drug violence, neighborhood drive-bys, and the occasional Bourbon shooting are one thing to ignore, but interstate snipers? Does nobody find that interesting? It’s still happening.

Image credits: mercurialpolyglot


Who the hell destroyed the Epstein camera tapes

Image credits: toothyboiii


Panama papers

Image credits: WhileIwait4s**t


Nobody seemed to remember Ukrainian passenger flight being shot down by the Iranian government last year.

Image credits: Available-anyways


A bit random. But there was a meteor over Scotland that blazed through the sky, slowed right down, and changed direction. That was pretty weird.

Image credits: be47recon


Random scary clowns in like 2016?

Image credits: waiting_for_rain


T.I. (rapper) and his wife have serially drugged and r*ped over 30 victims. According to 30+ allegations.

If you google T.I. it doesn’t even come up unless you specifically search for it

Image credits: SteadyWaiting


There’s a mysterious neurodegenerative disorder identified in 2019 that is ONLY found within New Brunswick. It has symptoms similar to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, or “mad cow disease,” but it isn’t caused by prions. They have no idea what causes it. So far, almost 50 people have the disease and 6 have passed away. The youngest affected was only 18. The provincial government is pushing back on research efforts and transparency and has essentially cut aid from federal and international investigation efforts. Since then, they’ve started discrediting patients and their families.


Shortly after fans held a massive “Beyoncé Mass” worshipping the pop singer, she purchased a large church in Louisianna. Haven’t heard anything else about these masses or what she decided to do with the church. But it has always bothered me

Image credits: squishman1203


I am pretty surprised how no one really reacted when the Navy, and pentagon said UFOs were real and we don’t know what they are, or have anything that can really match and fight them.

Not saying it’s aliens and UAP instead of UFOs.

Image credits: Magic_Taco1221


Equifax lost the personal data of almost every single adult (in the US). This is data we didn’t give them permission to access, they simply automatically collect it.

They are still in business.

In September of 2017, Equifax announced a data breach that exposed the personal information of 147 million people.

That’s out of roughly 210 million adults at that time.

That’s 70% of the adult population whose data was lost.

That’s more than likely every single household in the US.

Image credits: maglen69


The metric s**t ton of Covid relief money that was given to companies, that was misappropriated and will never be paid back, and is only marginally being analyzed/investigated.

So it’s all on the US taxpayers

Image credits: scepticalbob


Facebook experimenting with human emotions, without their knowledge or consent.


The Las Vegas shooting. The worst mass shooting in America’s history. Dozens passed away. Hundreds injured. No one has any idea why this random dude stockpiled weapons and went on a mass murder spree. Or why he ended when he did.

We all just collectively went “I guess we’ll never know” and then forgot about it.

Image credits: AvatarofBro


Not necessarily strange but terrifying – since the 80s there has been a group of Christian anti-nuclear pacifists called The Plowshare movement.

They have broken into numerous nuclear arms facilities over the years to peacefully protest and have got into major trouble with many of them receiving multiple prison sentences for their efforts with no intent to stop but the major takeaway from their activities is how shockingly easy it was for them to plan and gain access to these facilities. Sometimes it would be hours before they were discovered by military personnel after gaining access to sites. And it begs the question that if they’re a peaceful protest group what would happen if a terrorist organization were to attempt it? There’s a book about it called Gods of Metal.


I feel like everyone in New Zealand has just forgotten that the laser kiwi flag existed.


Several nuclear weapons the US DOD straight up lost.

Image credits: knotpolkadottie


Boris Johnson lockdown parties, he was on the verge of being forced out of the office and then, oh there’s a war now we’ve got other stuff to worry about

Image credits: simian_fold


Over 800 tons of dead sea life including dolphins, washed up in Tampa Bay due to a fertilizer plant spill – never heard about this disaster again.


On November 2 the FEC decided that foreign individuals, corporations, and governments can fund ballot measures in the US because they’re “not technically elections”. This is a staggeringly big deal that was pretty much immediately swept under the rug.

Image credits: Notsotired2


Mark Zuckerberg created two AI robots for Facebook named Alice and bob, and they started communicating with each other in some unknown language so they had to shut down the program, and still to this day they never figured out what the robots were saying to each other…..


Every single major news event that’s more than a few weeks old….the media only care about the latest headlines to grab attention.


Kind of random but last summer it got to be 50 degrees Celsius in greater Vancouver bc (the highest recorded temperature in Canada ever) and the next day the city of Lytton burned down. It was a phenomenon called a heat dome. It was really scary because no one ever thought it could get that hot here, and a ton of people passed away because only about 60% of places have AC. It was one of the scariest things I’ve ever been through. No one talks about it at all anymore and that is terrifying to me

Edit: I have been reminded numerous times that Lytton is not greater than Vancouver. Temps in greater Van were measured in the mid ’40s but with humidity, it felt more like 50. I stand corrected. Extreme weather nonetheless, especially as many places like kitchens and warehouses do not have a/c and temps in those places skyrocketed. My townhouse in south surrey measured in the upper 40s on the top floor. I also have had several people tell me that this is still discussed by people in their lives, I was just stating that I don’t hear of it at all, personally.

Image credits: PublicThis


The Apollo 10 turd. It’s been half a century and nobody has owned up to the floating turd on Apollo 10.

Image credits: chalk_in_boots


That time the Australian prime minister just disappeared


Donald Rumsfeld announcing that the Pentagon had lost $2.3 *Trillion* dollars, the night before 9/11

Image credits: DAT_DROP


The invasion of the murder hornets was an alarming storyline in 2020 that just never went anywhere.


I saw a news report about people attacking and eating people like they were zombies. 12 hours later nothing about it, not even a retraction. This was about 12 years ago. I just figure they fixed zombies really fast.

Image credits: fire_fairy_


A slightly frivolous example – after Madonna & Britney Spears kissed at some awards ceremony in the early 00s, Beyonce made some comments at the time which could be construed as mildly homophobic (citing her religious beliefs). More or less any mention of this has been scrubbed off the internet now and it’s quite difficult to find details of it. Her PR team worked overtime on that one.


Robinhood shutting off the buy button to stop GameStop’s price from climbing


Why did Pope Benedict really resign


The floods on the east coast of Australia super recently, we experienced 1000ml of rain in less then a day, whole towns have been wiped out, there are landslides and people are still missing. There are no supplies, no food, no fuel, no electricity and no water. They are still finding bodies, and there are still people stranded on cliff faces and mountains that could collapse any minute.

If you drive through Lismore NSW right now, everyone’s belongings are all in piles larger then the houses on the street, there is sewage and toxic waste covering thousands of square metres. Civilians have had to rescue people from bridges, off roofs and off mountains, risking their lives while suffering their losses to save others that are in a worse position. Thousands of civilians have been donating their own money, time and resources to help those in need.

Our government has done nothing, and is shadow banning anyone speaking out on social media. The newspapers aren’t covering it even though this is the worse natural disaster Australia has experiences in decades. Deaths are going unreported and the media is not covering anything. People have been screaming for the army and other qualified professionals to help. They have been begging to declare a state of emergency.

It’s taken 6 days for our prime minister to speak on this, and today he posted on Instagram some very staged images of the military “helping”. These photos show the army in clean clothes, pretending to do tasks and pretending to help. The army was literally instructed to go down there, get some pictures and leave. People literally have been taking photos of them getting photos done with ring lights and other professional lighting equipment. When civilians asked for their help they said that’s not our duty and went back to scrolling on their phones.

It’s a disgusting response from our government, and probably the most blatant sweep under the rug I’ve ever seen


Beyonce sang at a private concert for the Gaddafi family in 2008. The only reason why I know this is because it was a footnote in a sociology book about the power dynamics in government neglected regions.

Image credits: Vexonte


128 billion dollars went missing in my country. It is talked about for about 3 months here

EDIT: It’s Turkey

Image credits: lul-123


The Iranian government is trying to ban worldwide Internet in Iran so people can’t access any website besides the ones used in Iran. This is scary because Iran is running by f**king dictators, 2 years ago was a massive riot on the streets and Iran shut down the internet so people can’t send any videos and pictures of police shooting people. Now they are trying to ban their access to the Internet completely which god knows why it’s not for the best


Havana Syndrome. S**t gives me chills every time I read about it.


The Muller report.


Ghislain Maxwell knew many names, yet no one was publicly mentioned

Image credits: MatsRivel


The mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of Casey Kasem(the original voice of Shaggy from Scooby-Doo)

Image credits: Darkality24


Everyone dying from vaping, then stopping dying from vaping.


I think the Canadian government hiding the fact there are thousands of missing children with no trace. Some children actually burned inside furnaces… they actually burned tons of the paperwork to hide it.

They occasionally find massive unmarked graves than nothing.


The story about the male masseur who accused John Travolta of sexual battery. Whatever happened with that?


The Metcalf sniper attack

Some unknown gunmen utilizing military tactics attacked a California power substation under cover of night. The attack included cutting targeted telecommunication lines beforehand.

As far as I’ve ever been able to tell, they never figured out who did it or why. Or they did make arrests and the media didn’t bother to follow up.

Image credits: java_jazz


Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial where she got convicted of selling children to…



Kevin Spacey was accused of sexual misconduct, then he put out a video with very vague but very threatening-sounding statements while in character as Frank Underwood from “House Of Cards” and now all of his accusers passed away.


Basically any stunt the CIA pulled since its conception.


Washington NFL football team running a forced prostitution ring with their cheerleaders.


The New York district attorney, Alvin Bragg, no longer charges armed robbery as a felony. It’s now a misdemeanor petit larceny, meaning that an armed robber won’t even lose his right to carry a weapon if he gets caught and convicted.


A sitting member of the House Intelligence Committee was having an affair with a Chinese spy, and after they discovered this, he’s still on the committee


When the government gave college loan companies money. So the loan companies could forgive some school debt from students. But instead, the companies just kept the money and told everyone that called in they didn’t qualify for forgiveness. And the government did nothing about it.


Magnetic Poles beginning to shift.


The fact is that in the US, people under 20 and people with mental and physical disabilities can be paid less than minimum wage. The reasoning? To “increase employment opportunities for these individuals.”


When I was in public school there was a year-long fundraiser push to raise $75,000 for a new school running track. Was supposed to be really nice paved track. By the end of the school year, they announced that they had met the funding goal and the track was going to be built. The next year we came back, and the school said that they were fundraising $40,000 for the new school track which would be unpaved gravel. When I started asking where the other money went they kept brushing me off like that never happened. I felt like I was taking crazy pills because all the other kids remembered that we had raised $75,000 for an amazing track, but now it was like the money vanished.

None of the other kids really cared that much, but there was something really fishy going on. We got the track and it was s**t.


There’s been massive student-led protests in Thailand against the military junta throughout 2021 with the leaders being jailed yet barely a peep from western newspapers


Covid depression Is one of the most predominant factors that most of us have experienced throughout the past 2 years, yet no one talks about it. You know that thing that makes you feel so used up that you download a bunch of apps that you know won’t make you happy? Maybe eat more, sleep more, stay in your house more. Then a war hits and you feel so incredibly useless to the perpetual tragedy that you just shut down. Yeah, that thing.


React World by Fine Bros.
They tried to copyright the concept of react videos (and maybe the word react? I can’t remember). They got a well-deserved backlash and lost their relevancy


Japan’s war crimes in the 20th


Snoop Dogg changing his name to Snoop Lion for about a month


That time the United fruit company/Chiquita brands overthrew the government of Guatemala


The issues that caused the 2008 financial crisis were never fixed. They kicked the can down the road and it’s on the verge of happening again.


Boris Johnson’s recorded phone conversation plotting to hire a hitman to target a journalist. Now he’s UK’s prime minister.


Yemen is facing a humanitarian crisis and is probably facing genocide at the hands of the Saudis.

There are a few US senators trying to bring attention to it as the US is backing the Saudis. However, no one is taking it seriously and we do not see anything about it in the MSM from either the left or right side.


Panama papers came out, and the only thing that happened is that the journalist took her life with a bomb in her car. Thank you for your service, Daphne Galizia !


The fire at the JFK museum records wing during the Boston bombings.


Anyone remember the rumors of Kim Jon Un being ill?


Metcalf sniper attack

On a random day in 2013, somebody in California decided to go underground and cut phone lines. Thirty minutes later, professional snipers sprayed the Metcalf power substation for twenty minutes. They severely damaged all transformers and cost the company $15 million. Literally a minute before the police arrive, the snipers began fleeing.

How did they get in? Why were they so emboldened to shoot for twenty darn minutes? What were their motivations? And why run away right before the police car arrived?

To this day, no one knows who these guys are. No fingerprints were found. We tend to take things like infrastructure for granted, and it’s events like this that make me feel queasy because the perpetrators got off scot-free and probably paved the path for future copycats around the country.


The financial panic of 2008 was triggered by a $550 Billion drawdown of money market accounts in the USA at about 11 AM on Thursday, Sept 15, 2008. It was an electronic run on the banks.

Had they not closed down the money market accounts immediately, the Treasury estimated that by 2 PM that afternoon, $5.5 Trillion would have been withdrawn and the entire economy of the United States would have collapsed, and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.

Who did the initial $550 Billion drawdown? This info was put in the memory hole, and the press does not discuss it.

The Wikipedia article Global financial crisis in September 2008 has only the following sentence: “By the morning of September 18, money market sell orders from institutional investors totaled $0.5 trillion, out of a total market capitalization of $4 trillion, but a $105 billion liquidity injection from the Federal Reserve averted an immediate collapse.[22][23]”


Anthrax attacks straight after 9/11. Seemingly unconnected and no one was ever charged, from memory. Largely forgotten.


6 US Senators traveled to Moscow over the 4th of July holiday 2018 among them Ron Johnson. No clear explanation for the purpose of this trip. Press didn’t dig too deep into it.


Epstein had to jump through like 3 tiers of a coincidence to commit suicide the way he did. either he was coerced into actual suicide and told when the guards were going on break and when the CCTV would go out randomly, or we are supposed to assume the former. I still don’t buy it.


The Clinton administration funded nationwide fiber optic cable. The cable companies took the money, then disappeared it in all their late 90’s corporate consolidations.

Paid for fiber optic cable, did not get it.


There was a huge scandal involving the UK foster care system. Social workers were getting paid more for each child they placed in foster care. This resulted in 100s/1000s of children being placed into foster care that didn’t need to be. To this day there has been no uproar or anything about it, it got swelter under the rug and unless you were personally involved (myself) then you will more than likely not have any idea about it.


Congress being able to insider trade legally


The Chicago police running a clandestine black-ops prison. People held with no access to legal counsel, or trial. The story broke and nothing more came of it.


The Government of Canada gave billions of dollars in aid — ostensibly as pandemic-related aid – but won’t say which companies have been the beneficiaries of such aid. In fact, they have fought to keep this information secret. This is despite pre-election promises to be an open and transparent government.

Canadians have long forgotten.


Where I live, there used to be a prime minister who got his Rolex stolen. Later they caught the thief. He mysteriously passed away in jail. Nothing happened afterward. Just conspiracy now.


Gary Webb and his investigations into the crack epidemic


The Saudi’s murdered a Washington Post journalist and nothing happened


The dictator Marcos ill-gotten wealth from the Philippines. He used to be our Putin but after years of fake news manipulation on uneducated masses, people seem to forget the scums family still has open swiss bank accounts and foreign parked assets, and now the son is running for president and has a decent chance of winning.


Shooting down of MH17 in 2014.

To me, it seems like nobody gave a s**t after the first few weeks. Nobody took responsibility for it, everyone moved on like nothing happened.


The fact that brokers made it impossible to buy stocks in a couple of companies (GME, AMC, BBY, BB, etc…) that were insanely shorted (fake shares created to bring the price of a company artificially down) beyond their available shares, and only allowing people to sell their shares. This insane collusion between market makers, brokers, and even the governing body of markets (SEC) was quickly swept under the rug….until people started buying in mass and holding said stocks of each company to push the hedge funds to insolvency


I’m very surprised how many people don’t know about the Yugoslav wars (1991-2001) even in eastern Europe.
Source: boredpanda.com

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