Woman Illustrates Childhood ‘Friends’ Before Being Given Heavy Medication, And It Will Give You Chills

The psychological and social phenomenon of imaginary friends is universal. No matter where they live or what culture they share, many children have imaginary friends. Imgur user Sierra had imaginary friends from the ages of 9-13, and is able to describe them in vivid detail. She stopped seeing them at age 14 when she was put on medication, however she misses the comfort that they provided her in dark times. “I honestly miss them and like to think they are real,” she says. “They are just waiting for me somewhere else.”

The now 20-year-old woman shared her story and descriptions of the invisible friends a few days ago and attracted the community’s attention. She details her childhood, noting that it was plagued with anxiety and depression. “I was admitted into a mental facility around the age of 14,” Sierra told Bored Panda. “During my stay there they put me on a cocktail of medications. The whole thing was like a vivid nightmare. My imaginary friends never visited me during the time I was admitted there so I was more alone than I’ve ever felt.” She says that after taking medicine she started losing sight of her imaginary friends, but the world around her started to seem brighter. “After they left…. life was normal. I went to school, I laughed, I played. Everything was what it was meant to be. The medication helped me so much, it made me see things the way others see. I could see THEIR reality for the first time.”

As for her experiences with the invisible friends, Sierra has a lot to share. “They slept with me every night, in order for me to not fear them, but the first few times they crawled into bed with me was the scariest,” Sierra said. But later things changed and she grew more comfortable. “It was like having a sleepover with your best friends every day. We conversed, sang, swam, ate, enjoyed one another. It was peaceful in a way,” she reminisced fondly.

Sierra’s descriptions offer a unique in-depth look at the mind of a child and might make you question your sense of reality. Scroll down to read the story yourself and tell us what you think!

More info: Imgur

“I had imaginary friends throughout the ages of 9-13. Stopped “seeing” them when I was put on medication at age 14”

“I honestly miss them and like to think they are real. They are just waiting for me somewhere else”

She described her first imaginary friend who was both wise and terrifying

A friendlier creature, named Frenzo, helped Sierra with many mental issues she had

She was most fond of Subterra Angelo, who had the greatest impact on the girl’s life

The last creature Sierra described was Angelo’s sister, Superior Devvera, who had a darker side to her at first

Source: boredpanda.com

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