30 People Share How They Can Immediately Tell That Someone Is An Only Child

Imagine waking up on Christmas morning and not having any siblings to share in your excitement for the day. Imagine not having to “rock paper scissors” for the last slice of pizza. Imagine getting up to go to the bathroom and returning to find your favorite seat still open and waiting for you. Imagine never having to compromise on what you want for dinner.

Ah, the elusive life of an only child. Of course, 20% of people in the world know exactly what it’s like to grow up without siblings. But for those of us who grew up wearing hand-me-downs and squeezing into the dreaded middle car seat, there are some dead giveaways that someone else was an only child. Reddit users have recently been discussing these traits, so you’ll find some of their most spot on responses below, as well as some thoughts from only children on what makes them unique!


I told my bf to close his eyes and open his mouth(I was surprising him with candy), and he just did it with no suspicion at all.

People with siblings can’t trust like that.

Image credits: cowsofoblivion


From my own experience, not being as prone to loneliness. The only time I really feel lonely is when I’m around people I’d rather not be with.

Image credits: DeathSpiral321


I can’t tell for adults, but when it’s one of my kids’ friends, the kid who ends up trying to hang out with the adults and gets overwhelmed by being in a group of kids has been an only child 100% of the time in my experience.

Image credits: ifnotmewh0


Thinking friendship is like having siblings. Its not. I would never smash a toy on my friend’s head and expect them to speak to me after.

Image credits: Useful_Jello2910


Pretty good at keeping ourselves entertained or doing things alone/being independent.

Image credits: stefeezy


On a more positive note… from personal experience, being secure with doing things alone

Image credits: gaiajess18


Wishing they had siblings.

Someone with siblings probably wishes they were an only child.

Image credits: kindofaknight


When they get [mad] that things aren’t done the way they think it should be done because they’ve never had to compromise with anyone before.

Image credits: StuBidasol


No tales of sibling violence

Image credits: ButterEmails54


They enjoy quiet houses.

Image credits: Alton573


Only child here. As a kid, I couldn’t relate to other children. Their behavior was completely foreign to me. Even now that I’m old, most people seem odd.

Image credits: MeowMeowCollyer


I am an only child… I’ve noticed I tend to make a lot of life choices on my own and don’t seek out a lot of advice or ask for help when I could definitely use it. In fact, I’ve been pretty deep in tough situations when I finally have the realization that there are people and resources I can utilize. It’s not so much I’m worried about asking for help, more like it doesn’t even register in my brain that there is help outside of myself.

Image credits: Jaded_Syrup2454


They are very deliberate in their chosen relationships, e.g. friendships, partners, and are usually extremely independent, at least in my experience.

Image credits: ffffffffck


I’m an only child. One huge difference I see time and time again with those who have siblings—they had much more exposure to a longer timespan of media/music/games growing up. My idea of nostalgia consists of my specific timeline of media growing up, but those with siblings were able to watch tv shows their older brother watched, or knows about that game their little sister played.

Image credits: DopeYeti


They can get s**t done without asking for help. Example- I’ve had people calling me to assist them in making the bed because they needed somebody to hold the other corner of the sheet?? Dude, this is not a 2 people job! I was doing something else and you require assistance with a piece of cotton?

Same goes for putting together furniture. ‘Takes 2 people to assemble’ . Sure. It takes 2 people to assemble unless they are an only child, then it just takes the one.

Image credits: nytropy


From personal experience, food habits. Like buying snacks to store at home and fully expecting them to not have been touched when you’re gone, or eating slower at the dinner table because you’re not fighting over the good food.

As a teen, on the rare occasion my dad would steal a snack I got for myself I’d freak out, whereas my friends with siblings just resigned themselves to the fate of snacks inevitably disappearing. My mom eats super fast at meals, and she attributes it largely to growing up with siblings.

Image credits: HornedTwiddle


They feel the weight of both their parents’ hopes and dreams as well as their needs. If you’re an only child who grew up in a loving home, chances are you also had a lot of responsibility to make something out of all the time and resources your parents put into you.

Image credits: insightful_monkey


They’re very quiet roommates in my experience. Sometimes don’t even know when they’re home. I hypothesize that they’re just used to quiet spaces and might feel uncomfortable when their surroundings get loud or chaotic. People with siblings are used to other people clanging around and making noise.

They need more alone time and aren’t scared of being home by themselves.

When they’re planning to go somewhere or do something, they don’t tell anyone or announce it. They just go do it.

As adults, they tend to live alone rather than with roommates, if circumstances allow it.

If their parents are either super young or super old compared to their peers’ parents, it’s more likely they’re the only kid.

Image credits: IcyConsideration4714


I hate being an only child as an adult. I don’t really care that I was a main focus when I was a kid. If I don’t have a partner I’m basically f****d emotionally and have no support when my parents inevitably become ill.

Image credits: Toesinbath


Always weirds me out when people have games, consoles, collectibles, etc from their childhood. All of my stuff was either handed down to, broken, or lost by siblings.

Image credits: ChildOfTheSoul


For me, it’s when someone has no idea what non-food items taste like (dog treats, shaving cream, etc.)

Image credits: PensionImpressive962


I’m an only child, my husband is the oldest of 3.

For myself I can say that I have a hard time asking for help and try to be as independent as possible which doesn’t always work to my advantage.

I definitely was around more adults than kids growing up which meant my children were literally the first babies I had ever been around.

For some reason all of my friends (and husband included) eat way faster than me and they like to point that out.

I thrive in my alone time and need a lot of it to “recharge”. But I also hate that I constantly feel lonely even in large groups of people and have never been able to shake that feeling.

I have horrible anxiety about meeting new people, I’ll do it but I’ll almost make myself sick leading up to it because my anxiety gets to out of control.

Being a people pleaser is definitely up there and wanting to feel included.

Image credits: xxyuliaxx


My husband HATES sharing food!
He is also very good at keeping himself entertained and busy- this was very evident during Covid when I was soooo bored and lost because all my previous hobbies and pastimes were outside the home and/or social activities, however, he just kept going and picked up so many new little hobbies that were independent

Image credits: badjmsbe


A really strong bond with their parents.

I have a brother, but only dated only child women troughout my life, and i noticed that they’re tend to be way more “friends” with their parents than siblings does.

It’s like my brother were always my partne during childhood/adolescence and to my ex gf, it was her dad or mom.

Image credits: pitbulldofunk


I’m an only child. I hate sharing. If you wanted some cake, order yours do not eat my cake. Yes, I’m spoiled so what? I will not borrow your things if I can just buy my own. I don’t understand other people (who has siblings) who will ask to borrow and not return my things. It’s called stealing.

Image credits: overthinkerxxx


I heard once that only children are less likely to announce where they are going when they leave a room. Right away, I realized I’m like that, but my partner, who grew up with two sisters, tells me where he’s about to go when he moves, even if it’s to the bathroom.

Image credits: NcularOrchid


As an only child I’ve been yelled at by multiple friends for wandering off alone, especially in grocery stores, without telling anyone where I’m going. And also my automatic “backseat of a car” position is legs out across the seats. Idk tho those are the only differences I ever notice

Image credits: sunnyykiitt


If he keeps getting calls asking him about his whereabouts when he is out

Image credits: betterhealth69


My bf is an only child and it was his confusion at how I can be mad at my sister (who is also my roommate) one minute and turn around and get ice cream or go see a movie together.

He grew up with a bunch of cousins around his age, but it was the quick turnaround of “I’m so mad at you” to “I wanna hang out, let’s do something.”

Image credits: sister-christian69


Really unique relationships with parents. They usually have a very rigid idea and perception their parents. For example, I have to call my mom every day or else she’ll worry, or my dad is always right about _____. I guess when you have siblings there’s more diversity in how you perceive your parents and their actions. But with only children they seem to lack that holistic perspective.

Image credits: ninaw11

Source: boredpanda.com

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