Can Cats See Ghosts?

Have you ever spotted your cat (or someone else’s, that’s also fine) staring into space for a long period of time? If you did, don’t worry, because that is not a sign that your feline companion can sense the supernatural.  In fact, there are four main reasons why cats stare off into space, as PopSugar details: 

  1. They’re trying to let more light into their eyes.
  2. If you’ve ever taken a picture of your cat in dim lighting with the camera flash on, you’ve probably noticed that their eyes stand out and even look ghostly. “The pupils should constrict when light is shined in the eye, so that’s a normal response,” Dr. Zimmerman told POPSUGAR. The glowing you see is caused by a layer of tissue in the eye called the tapetum lucidum, which captures light, even the tiniest amount, and brings it back through the retina. “Theirs are actually pretty large because they’re nocturnal animals,” she added. To engage the tapetum lucidum at its highest capacity, especially at night, cats will widen their eyes to let in as much light as possible. But while widened, staring eyes are normal, bulging eyes are not. “Make sure the eyes aren’t pushed out,” Dr. Zimmerman said. “This could be a sign of things like a mass behind the eye.”
  3. Their ocular anatomy and feline instincts cause them to be extremely observant.
  4. Cats are visual hunters and curious by nature, which means they’re observant at all times, equally during the day and the night. “Due to wild ancestors like lions and panthers, domestic cats have nocturnal instincts,” Dr. Gutierrez explained. Their extensive field of vision spans 20 degrees more than ours, so it’s more than just the wall in front of them that they’re fixating on. Cats pick up on a lot through their peripheral, including things like shadows and tiny bugs we wouldn’t be able to see unless we had six to eight times more rod cells. According to Dr. Gutierrez, a cat staring into space is simply an alert one who’s gathering information about their environment.
  5. They pick up on every little noise, even when we think it’s dead silent.
  6. Dr. Zimmerman made sure to remind us that a cat’s sense of hearing is just as important and powerful as their eyesight. Our perception of silence is a lot different from a cat’s — in fact, the end of our perception is right around the beginning of theirs. So if your cat is staring blankly into the distance, it usually means they’re fixating on a noise or echo they heard, and they’re trying to figure out where it came from. Cats can hear about 1.5 octaves higher than we can, and can detect variances in sound, even something as minor as the wind outside, or your pillow falling on the floor in the middle of the night. But if you notice that your cat startles easily during their state of concentration, it could mean they’re having trouble hearing. “If there’s heavy debris or puss in the ear and ear cleaner is not solving the problem, you may want to contact your veterinarian. Sometimes ear infections can happen,” Dr. Zimmerman said.
  7. 4. They had too much catnip.
  8. Catnip can have a sedative effect, so if a cat has indulged in too much catnip, you can usually tell by simply looking at their eyes. This often translates to a fixed, relaxed gaze at seemingly nothing. The reaction varies from cat to cat, and shouldn’t be cause for major concern. “There is some research in which that catnip produces a certain relaxation in some, and even hyper salivation and excessive drooling in others,” said Dr. Gutierrez — both of which are normal.

image via PopSugar 

Source: neatorama

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