Profound dust bunnies are portraits of anonymous home owners

After moving apartments in Vienna, Klaus Pichler noticed something interesting – in each place the dust was unique. This epiphany was the inspiration behind his “years-long photographic inquiry” into dust.

“I went to all the places without appointment and confused the owners with one simple question: ‘Would you allow me to collect some dust here?’ If they were too puzzled to refuse me, I went on all fours and took what the corners, nooks and crannies provided: dust bunnies. It was great fun watching peoples’ reactions to my strange questions, and it was enlightening finding out the bandwidth of possible emotions, from fun to confusion, embarrassment to paranoia.”

The identities of the house owners are ingrained in the seemingly worthless, meanless piles of filth. Pichler’s photographs are portraits that expose interests, lifestyles, hobbies, and even home decor color preferences. He has discovered profound information in an unlikely place.



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