Sketch Jam – Final Day to Apply to Our Live Sketching Showdown

Are you a wet-behind-the-ears student looking for an angle into the big leagues of product design? Are you a grizzled design veteran desperate for a last shot at glory? Can you sketch like a fiend? Ideate in your sleep? Are you only truly at peace while bathing in the heat and pressure of deadlines? Yes?  Then get in the game!

As a part of Design Week Portland, Core77 and Coroflot are hosting a bracketed design sketching tournament in Portland, Ore. on the 26th of April. Today is the last day for you to apply to be among the 16 contestants facing off that evening. Application is as easy as filling out our new Coroflot talent profile and confirming your interest.

Listen beautiful relax classics on our Youtube channel.

All contestants will get some cool swag and one will walk away with a 27″ Wacom Cintiq.  So if you have the skill and the will, start your journey to the top now…

Spectator?  We are bringing in the bleachers for this and beers, and tchotchkes – Get a $5 ticket while you still can!

Source: core77

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