Think Tank x Meow Wolf's Nothing Cheezy

For a lot of people, food is life but within the range of choices, pizza is the best. Nothing beats a slice of pizza when you’re just chilling at home, taking a break from the world, or just simply stress eating. But the new art collaboration between Think Tank and Meow Wolf, Nothing Cheezy, takes the concept of pizza up a notch and immerses us into the world of pizza.

You get pizza. You get art. You get games. You get kitsch. You get nostalgia. You definitely get selfies. And then you get more pizza.

It all happens in a very small space that has been transmogrified into something from the outer limits — as if aliens had been listening in on our radio and television transmissions and come to the conclusion that pizza was the dominant culture on planet Earth. As if.

From the moment you enter the gallery, you’re given a plethora of opportunities to include yourself in the proceedings. You immortalize yourself in endless self-portraits — you’ll need to, because while the pizza will be gone in 24 hours, your cheesy memories last forever.

Check out Nothing Cheezy at the Think Tank Gallery in LA which will be on display until September 15.

(Image credit: Nothing Cheezy/Baker’s Son)

Source: neatorama

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