Working Parents Are Sharing How Frustrating It Is To Only Have A Small Time Slot To Spend With Your Kids After Coming Home From Work

Family is the most important thing in the world for many people, and they would love to spend more time with their loved ones. However, putting theory into practice can be very difficult. Especially for working parents who are overloaded with responsibilities.

Balancing work and family life can be an utter nightmare. There just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. Many parents realize this. But it’s a topic that doesn’t get enough attention in real life and online. Working mom @edvcatedx recently went viral on Twitter when she shared how much she hates that she’s unable to spend enough time with her child during the weekdays.

Her heartfelt post instantly resonated with a ton of other parents, who also shared their frustrations. You’ll find some of their most powerful comments and insights as you scroll down.

Bored Panda reached out to @edvcatedx via Twitter, and we’ll update the article as soon as we hear back from her.

More info: Twitter | TikTok

A working mom recently went viral on Twitter after sharing how much she misses her kid on weekdays

Image credits: halfpoint (not the actual photo)

Here’s the post that got a ton of attention on the internet and in the media

Image credits: edvcatedx

Working mom @edvcatedx is currently 30 years old. She has been on Twitter since November 2013, meaning that she’s been on the social media platform for a third of her life. @edvcatedx has been married for almost 3 years and she has a 16-month-old son, according to a recent tweet that she pinned on her profile. Her posts are incredibly relatable.

At the time of writing, the mom’s post had 56.2K views. But the real impact was getting all the other parents of Twitter to open up about their own work/life struggles. It can be easy to forget that we’re not alone in our problems and that there are massive support networks out there—we just need to know where to look.

When you start thinking about all of the things you need to do throughout the week, life can start to feel incredibly overwhelming. Not only do you have to work, but you also have to carve out enough time and energy to have meaningful, quality interactions with your nearest and dearest: your children, your partner, your parents, siblings, distant relatives, and friends.

That’s on top of basic maintenance like doing household chores, cooking, and shopping for food. Oh, and don’t forget to maintain a healthy diet, get enough movement, sleep 7 to 8 hours each night, stay hydrated, spend time on your hobbies and side hustles, while practicing mindfulness throughout the day, and squeezing in a couple of meditation sessions somewhere in there.

In short, there are a lot of expectations of what people living in 2023 should be doing. And some parents, especially on social media, would like you to believe that they’re doing all of it. But don’t believe the hype: nobody’s perfect. You won’t find time for everything you’d like to, so you’ll be forced to prioritize.

Many other working parents related to the post and shared their thoughts on balancing jobs with family time

Image credits: yawnsinmom

Image credits: stentitweets

Image credits: laurieeconnors

Image credits: iammelibee

Image credits: fxquadro (not the actual photo)

Image credits: marchthepisces

Image credits: HSTeacherinCA

Image credits: allyprazolam_rn

Image credits: MamaAndieTweets

Image credits: peus80 (not the actual photo)

Image credits: beans_rae

Image credits: mom_upstate

What you prioritize will depend on your values. Many of us understand that spending quality time with our kids is more important than whatever we do at the office. At the same time, quite a few parents will focus on providing financial stability instead of scaling back to have a larger portion of the day free.

Most of us know what we should prioritize in life. But unless we actively work on changing what we do throughout the week, things will stay the same: we’ll be exhausted and frustrated. It’s far easier to crash on the couch after a long day at work and vegetate in front of the TV. However, there’s a real danger that you could alienate your partner and children this way.

Bored Panda recently covered how parents who don’t spend enough time with their family may later find that they’re getting attention and love elsewhere, for example, their friends or even their pals’ parents. As such, parents have to put in the effort to show that they love, notice, and appreciate their partners and children. Something that can help with this is structuring your week to have specific times and days when you focus on your family and nothing else.

That means putting your phone away and avoiding getting distracted. It’s not enough to be present physically: you have to be present mentally and emotionally, too.

However, at the same time, keep in mind that there is no such thing as a ‘perfect’ parent. You can cut yourself some slack from time to time. Remember that you’re a parent, but _not just a parent_. You need to take care of yourself as well. If you feel like you’re falling apart at the seams, ask for help, ask for someone to look after your child for a bit. Use that time to pamper yourself, focus on your other passions, or get some well-deserved rest. That way, you’ll be reenergized. Nobody wins if you’re tired and overworked all the time.

Meanwhile, here’s how some other social media reacted to the mom’s viral Twitter post

Image credits: rthanuthattaphong (not the actual photo)

The post Working Parents Are Sharing How Frustrating It Is To Only Have A Small Time Slot To Spend With Your Kids After Coming Home From Work first appeared on Bored Panda.


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